Project Education, Training & Knowledge Transfer
Education and Training plays a critical role during each phase of the Profitability and Cost Management system implementation life cycle. Our proven approach for Agile and Waterfall implementation methodologies is based on 30 plus years’ experience assisting clients design and implement successful Profitability and Cost Management systems. We leverage multiple types of formal and informal Education, Training and Knowledge-Transfer at key steps throughout each implementation project. Our goal is for each client to be self-sufficient, with no reliance on us by the conclusion of the implementation project.
Pre-Project Education
Top management understanding and active support is crucial to achieve a successful Profitability & Cost System implementation. We offer tailored Education and Best Practices Workshops to help management and project leadership establish realistic expectations of benefits and the resources, time and involvement required for success. Properly informed, management can collectively provide the common vision, support and involvement needed for success.

Project Planning Education & Training
As part of project planning, we offer Project Steering & Key Stakeholder members with implementation project “Best Practices” and Education Workshops. Project Team members are provided Education and Training on key design and implementation components of Costing & Profitability systems and software being implemented.
Investing time up front to properly educate and involve key personnel helps facilitate common understanding, reduce conflicts, and keep the project on track through each step of the implementation.

Design & Implementation Training & Knowledge Transfer
Our approach to accomplish knowledge transfer and self-sufficiency is to work side-by-side with our clients through each step of the design and implementation project. We provide guidance, hands-on assistance, education and training through day-to-day informal interactions and strategically timed formal training. This includes advanced cost and profit systems design techniques, source data collection and integration techniques and technology, use of the application software, and business intelligence / analytics tools being utilized.

Conversion Knowledge Transfer
A key part of the Cost and Profitability system conversion process prior to production release is the completion of Knowledge Transfer. In this phase the personnel responsible and processes for each component of the new system are formally defined and confirmed. This includes the costing profitability application, data systems integration, reporting & analysis tools, and end user training. We assist our clients to deliver the appropriate training and knowledge transfer as-needed.

Public & Private Education & Training
PCS Consulting provides a range of Profitability & Cost Management education through webinars, on-site workshops and various professional public forums. Each are conducted by seasoned, highly experienced and respected thought leaders with practical hands-on experience with the specific topic. Webinars consist of one and two-hour sessions. On-site workshops are delivered in half-day, one day and two day sessions. Public forums range from one hours sessions to full day workshops.
Example Topics:
- Profitability and Costing Software Intelligence Briefings
- Leveraging Economic Cost Modeling for Profitability & Cost Management
- Practical Approaches & Best Practices for Developing Product, Customer and Channel Profitability Systems
- How To Successfully Implement a Profitability & Cost Management System
These webinars and workshops are provided to companies and organizations around the world.
Contact Us to schedule a session for your company or organization.